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Clubs and Organizations
The K-State College of Agriculture has more than 50 ag specific clubs and student organizations. They are a great way to meet other students in their major and supplement coursework with real-world experiences.
Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow
The Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow is a national student organization comprised of students with a passion for spreading the word about the agricultural industry. Meetings are held bi-weekly and alternate between professional development and social focus. These meetings offer industry guest speakers and masterclasses as well as sports watch parties, game nights, and dinners. All K-State students are welcome regardless of major!
ACT Club Goals
- Reach out to organizations within and outside the College of Agriculture through events.
- Provide members with necessary and useful tools in the field of agricultural communications and journalism by providing a checklist and interactive professional development activities.
- Host two philanthropy events per semester.
- Create and stick to a yearly budget.
- Increase communication with our members and the public by developing a social media plan and other communication platforms.
- Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jacqueline Aenlle, jaenlle@ksu.edu
New Requirements: To earn financial support from ACT to attend a professional development conference or Agricultural Media Summit, or to earn funding for contest registrations, dues must be paid and members must attend 70 percent of all ACT functions.
ACT 2024-2025 Officers
Lindsey Lehman, President
Kylie Schakel, Vice President of Development
Chevy Vaske, Vice President of Membership
Jenna Fiscus, Public Relations Director
Lexi Studebaker, Secretary/Treasurer
Elizabeth Crumm, Ag Council Representative
ACT Meeting Time
1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month (September-April) in Umberger 312.
Annual dues for the 2024-2025 academic year can be paid here with a credit card.
ANRC Advancement Team
The ANRC Advancement Team, fondly known as the A-Team, is a student-led program recruitment and retention effort. You can think of this team as “Ag Ambassadors” exclusively for our degree program. Many high school students don’t know that agricultural communications exists as a career field. A-Team members work to develop materials and strategies to reach those students.
If you are interested in joining the team or would like to request a visit from an A-Team member, contact Dr. Nellie Hill-Sullins, Umberger 307 or email, nlhill@ksu.edu.
ACJ Advancement Team Role Description
2024 - 2025 A-Team Members: (L to R ) Abi Lillard (team lead), Jenna Fiscus, Chevy Vaske, and Madeline Drake
Agricultural Education Club
K-State students from all majors are welcome to join the Agricultural Education Club! This student organization plans and hosts many activities including the K-State Agricultural Education Club Speech Contest, Ag Fest activities, and a scavenger hunt for the College of Agriculture Open House. Other activities include the National FFA Convention, professional development seminars, picnics, an annual banquet, and monthly meetings. The Agricultural Education Club meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month in Umberger 312.
2025 Officer Team- President- Allison Arment, Vice President- Karlie Albright, Secretary- Hilary Kabourek, Treasurer- Christian Pena, Public Relations- Carson Rudd, Ag Council Rep.- Zoe Rhodes, Ed Council Rep.- Kia Brown, Finance Committee Chair- Shelby Siebold, Club Committee Chairs- Aaron Munoz, Service Committee Chairs- Allie Seltman, Professional Committee Chairs- Haley Robb
Annual dues for the 2024-2025 academic year can be paid here with a credit card.
Constitution of the K-State Agricultural Education Club
Agricultural Education Club Meetings
- January 28th - Business Meeting
- Committee meetings
- February 11th - Social Meeting
- Valentines Grams
- February 25th - Business meeting
- Guest Speaker - Current Ag Teacher
- March 11th - Social Meeting
- March 25th - Business Meeting
- Graduate Student Panel
- April 8th - Social Meeting
- Onsite industry tour/workshop
- April 12th - College of Agriculture Open House
- April 22nd - Business Meeting
- Senior Student Intern Panel
- May 4th - 6th - State CDE's
- May 5th - Percent Night Fundraiser
- May 6th - End of Year Bash