Style, K-L-M

Kansas State University — K-State on second reference. Do not use K-State University. Avoid using KSU unless space limitations require it. Do not capitalize university when used alone. The main campus is in Manhattan; the main administrative offices are in Anderson Hall. Additional campuses are in Salina and Olathe:

Kansas State University Olathe — Second reference: K-State Olathe. K-State Olathe is one of the university's four campuses and includes the U.S.-China Center for Animal Health, the Urban Water Institute, SmartVet and other industry and academic partners.

Kansas State University Polytechnic — Second reference: Kansas State Polytechnic or K-State Polytechnic. Kansas State Polytechnic is one of Kansas State University’s four campuses and focuses on teaching theory through hands-on, interdisciplinary and applied learning. It offers 16 undergraduate degrees and a professional Master of Technology.

K-State Research and Extension — The abbreviated name for Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service. (See separate entries.) The short name is acceptable for general use in publications and other materials. However, the full name must appear at minimum as part of the disclaimer used on printed materials from all units of K-State Research and Extension. Avoid using extension alone because it does not encompass the scope of the organization in Kansas. Do not use the ampersand sign (&) in place of the word and.Identify county and district offices by adding a en dash before the name of the local office: K-State Research and Extension – Riley County; K-State Research and Extension – River Valley District.

KSRE — Do not use the acronym for K-State Research and Extension in publications or documents except in informal, internal documents (such as email messages). K-State Research and Extension is committed to fair treatment of all employees and program participants. You can read more about it here. The Civil Rights page also includes links to other related resources.

K-State 105 — A component of the proposed Economic Prosperity Plan ( The term refers to ways to use resources in every county in Kansas to further economic development. The plan focuses on 4 areas of emphasis: Food and Agriculture Systems Innovation, Digital Agriculture and Advanced Analytics, Biosecurity and Biodefense, and K-State 105.

land-grant — K-State is a land-grant university, the first one in Kansas. The term derives from the Morrill Act, passed in 1862, in which the federal government granted land to each state. (It is important to recognize that much of the land was stolen from indigenous people.) The states sold the land and used the proceeds to finance universities. Under the act, these universities are required to offer instruction in agriculture and the mechanical arts as well as to educate the children of workers. K-State was the first college in America to be officially designated a land-grant school. The term is almost always used as a modifier: land-grant university. Kansas State University has a Land Acknowlegment Statement that can be found here:

Latin — Do not italicize Latin words and phrases in common usage, such as in vitro and post hoc.

lay, lieLay is an action verb and means to put something down. Its past tense is laid. Lay the book on the table. I laid the baby in the crib. The verb lie refers to a state of reclining or resting and its past tense is lay. You should lie down if you feel ill. He lay on the beach all day. (Dreyer has an especially clear explanation of how to use lay and lie.)

lead, led Lead as a verb means to guide or direct. You can lead a horse to water. But as a noun, it is also the mineral. The past tense of the verb lead is led. He led the horse to water but couldn’t make it drink.

LFTB — Abbreviation for lean, finely textured beef. (Sometimes referred to as pink slime. Avoid this usage.)

loose, loseLoose means not tight. These pants are too loose. Lose is the present tense of lost. Don’t lose your keys.

low fat, low-fat — Hyphenate when used as a modifier. He prefers low-fat milk.

marestail — Broadleaf weed. One word.

May, mightMay expresses permission or possibility. Use might to express something contrary to fact. If I had studied, I might (not may) have passed the test. (See can, could .)

measurements — Use numerals for measurements and spell out units of measure (feet, inches, yards, miles, cups, teaspoons, tablespoons, and others). Also see units for abbreviations used in scientific or tabular material. 2 feet; 5 feet, 7 inches; 1 cup; 4 teaspoons; 7 miles. Hyphenate modifiers: 5-foot, 7-inch man; 10-foot board.

mid- (prefix) — Only hyphenate when used before a capital letter. midsummer, mid-July

mph — miles per hour. Always use the abbreviation. The tractor was going 20 mph.

multicounty — One word.

multipage — One word.